Rural Geriatric Center

Adhiparasakthi Hospital and Research Institude

Since its inception in 1986 the hospital has grown to a large extent and functioning as center for excellence in imparting quality care at primary level as well as at advanced level. Accepting the social responsibilities of treating poor and economically backward patients, this hospital is providing free medical care to both inpatients and outpatients.

hospitalOutpatient attendance is in the range of 800 per day. To note that all the services are rendered at “No cost basis”. Endeavor is to make this 300-bedded hospital with all sophisticated equipment to 2000-bedded Hospital in the near future. The Medical School is functioning since 2008. Plans are under way to organize exchange programmes for students and faculty from the western world for benefit of both. This hospital is recognized for implementation of many social welfare schemes of the government.

Address: Adhiparasakthi Hospital & Research Institute,
Melmaruvathur – 603 319,
Tamilnadu, India.

Website :

Dr.V.S. Natarajan established a rural geriatric center in the Adhi Parasakthi Charitable Hospital and Research Institute at Melmaruvathur Village, which is about 90 kms away from Chennai. He renders free medical service at his center once a week. He was generous enough to donate the prize amounts of Rs.15,000/- and Rs.50,000/- which he received along with the Dr.B.C.Roy Award and the IMC Platinum Jubilee Award respectively, to the rural geriatric center. The rural center organizes free eye camps every year and an average of 1000 elderly persons are getting operated for cataract during the annual camps. The center distributes spectacles, walking sticks, hearing aids, umbrellas and clothes free of cost to the needy elderly.

He has conducted three major rural oriented research studies, which he has published in both the foreign and Indian medical journals and also presented in the International Gerontology Conferences. One of his study was sponsored by sandoz Foundation for Gerontological Research, Australia.

  • “Nutrition in Health and Diseases in the elderly” – 1991
  • Assessment of nutritional status of the elderly in an Indian rural community” – 1993
  • “Relationship between nutrition, lipid profile and ischaemic heart disease in the rural elderly” -1994.
