- 50 is the old age of youth and 60 is the youth of old age.
- Even if there are no complaints, periodic health check up is very essential.
- Concentrate about your diet. More ragi, wheat, greens, salads, fruits and vegetables should be included. Take one cup of milk and plenty of water per day.
- Exercise like brisk walking, yoga and meditation are good, not only for physical health, but also for mental well being.
- Worst enemy in old age is loneliness. Try to avoid it. Cultivate a hobby like club or association activities, gardening, indoor games, bhajans, religious involvement, etc.
- Self-medication almost equivalent to suicide, try to avoid it as far as possible.
- “A pill for every ill” is not the rule. Many diseases in old age is treated without drugs.
- If you feel that you are little unsteady on your feet, do not hesitate to use a cane. It helps you to prevent from fall or accident.
- Obesity is the friend of multiple diseases and disabilities. Why not shed your excess weight and live a disease free life?
- The best way of maintaining healthy lunge is by avoiding smoking, practicing regular breathing exercises and yoga, living in pollution-free atmosphere and early medical advice if there is an unusual chest complaint.
- Healthy skin is a sign of good health in old age. So take care of your skin by avoiding highly scented or antiseptic soaps.
- Sexuality for the aged is a good thing, for those who want it.
- Poisons in small doses are the best medicine and using medicine in large doses are poisons.
- Have a heavy breakfast, moderate lunch and light dinner.